To all the people out there..
Here's something for you.,
From a girl who is full of ambition and dreams..

You expect me to live an ordinary life, when i am not an ordinary girl.

You want me to follow the corrupted culture,
While your souls are already sore..

You want me to cage my dreams..
And you encourage the other half to follow theirs..

You don’t want me to spread my wings..
When they fly and you feel proud..

You want me to walk the straight path..
But it's ok for you to make mistakes..

My one fault breaks my life..
While you all are responsible for doing soo..

I am not supposed to cry out loud my words..
I am not supposed to break the rules..
I am not supposed to think beyond what world thinks about me..
And what not..

It says shoot for the moon even if you miss, you will land up among the stars..
But I say why not shoot again towards the moon until you get it..

If only you know., I am a fighter, a warrior and more over a dreamer..
I don't dream to settle.,
I dream to live, to love, to fly high and touch the sky..


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