We live in a soceity where our decisions are always judged, our wishes are compromised, our dreams are shattered..

Everything depends upon the only phrase " log kya kahenge" (what would people say), this phrase is the one which has stopped many people from pursuing their dreams, from being what they wanted to, from being their own self..

Many of them went through depression, even some go with ending up there life thinking about the so called society we live in..

My point is, why do we have to think about people? why do we need someone's approval? why do we need to impress everyone?

Before taking decisions ask yourself.. Do their judgement matter? Are they going to pick you when you fall? Are they going to be at your side when your alone? Are they going to be happy with your achievements??

The first step towards every question is 'Believe in Yourself' only you can do what you want to.. you wanna climb mount everest go for it.. you wanna be a business women go for it.. Your self believe will let you achieve whatever you want..

When your making an important decision.. Ask yourself if you're making it for yourself or because of what people will think.. we don't even realise that half of our choices depends upon others approval..

To be yourself is not easy.. It takes lots of courage, self believe, boldness and much more.. but it's not impossible though..

You can be who you want to be.. doesn't matter which caste, race, soceity, religion, country you belong to.. whoever you are, be proud of yourself..

Don't waste your emotions upon the approval of soceity.. over what is acceptable, over what everyone is doing these days..

Just take your step towards what makes you happy, what makes you feel alive.. be who you want to and let the world talk..


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